Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Media trust, why newspapers are still worthy

Something that may suprise a few of you... newspapers are still a trusted source of information

The recent eMarketer survey on media trust ( found that a surprisingly high number of people trust the news. But the more suprising finding is that online news scores higher than traditional newspapers in a lot of countries including us here in the UK!
The survey found that online news is trusted in the UK by 40% of those asked, compared with 23% trusting their paper.

Is this a false trust in modern digital news or a cynical perspective of our current celebrity & scandal - filled broadsheets & tabloids?


Boudewijn said...

That's an enormously interesting statistic, the differences are enormous between media and between countries! Ooh, and the original article has even more data... nice :-)

How come the French basically trust no-one whereas the Finish seem to take everything for granted? And what does this say about UK newspapers? :-)

Hayden Sutherland said...

That's why I always try to quote the originating article ;-)

However, its a shame that other countries (e.g. The Netherlands) aren't mentioned as well!

I think this article says more about Danish friend recommendations than about anything else!

tvmedia said...

I also think that newspapers should be read more and people should stop focusing on TV media, since most of the programs are of a low quality.