Tuesday, January 6, 2009

"Online advertising is a fad" says Wigan Courier boss

Regular readers will know I like to mention the gradual demise of the traditional media now and then. However, its been a while now since I found such a funny quote (courtesy of the Press Gazette Blog) by a member of the press about all this online stuff, that I had to post again today (that makes 3).

Mark Ashley, Managing director of the Wigan Courier has stated:
"the current obsession with internet advertising and Facebook will gradually go the way of all the digital fads over the last few years"
“There is still no substitute for a colourful, well-designed advertisement in a truly local paper.”

This wonderfully insightful comment came after the paper increased its circulation by 2,500 copies to 34,900 (I make that a whole 7% increase) after “continued requests from advertisers and members of the public”.


Anonymous said...

I just found you through Twitter. The Wigan Courier is a truly terrible paper. I haven't seen a copy for a while, but if it's the same as it used to be, it only prints 'good news'. I don't think I know anyone that actually reads it (and I live in Wigan) so an increase in circulation is quite a surprisem especially when Wigan already has three other (half decent) newspapers. Great quotes from the boss though...

Hayden Sutherland said...

Thanks for the further insight. Mr Ashley's comments also seem to be contradictory to him running Standish Media Services, which amongst other things "offer a full bespoke web design service, tailored to your individual needs".

I guess I should also mention that the www.wiganworld.co.uk community site is partnered & funded by the Wigan Courier and errr... Internet Advertising. Lets hope the "fad" does last, or they may have to sell even more papers.