Monday, March 7, 2011

Are FAQ's necessary?

In this final video, part of the Hit Me series I filmed recently, I explain why Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's) content is beneficial to an eCommerce website.


Boudewijn said...

Ah, well, yes, but:
- the way FAQ's are presented in many websites is distinctly Web 1.0 (or 0.5)
- it can help, but never replace customer services.
- if it's in the FAQ, you really have to think whether it isn't a defect of your site

So "necessary": I'd actually like to argue that the way many sites use them, just don't bother :-)

(With the provisions you give yourself it's different of course, I just wanted to make my poiint ;)

Hayden Sutherland said...

Your point is noted, thanks for making it.
There’s an old phrase that says “if a job is worth doing, it’s worth doing well”, but so often FAQ’s on a site are an afterthought or something just done ‘because everyone else does them’.
As you will undoubtedly agree… this isn’t the right approach and every part of a website must work as hard as it possibly can to help visitors (and to help them convert and become loyal customers).